Mikael Lennermark

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  • in reply to: FlowTracker Calibrations (In-House) #771

    some pictures

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    in reply to: FlowTracker Calibrations (In-House) #769

    The FlowTracker part of the test was not too bad. For ADCPs I prefer beam alignment test (distance made good tests).

    We had five FTs mounted with wading rods on a ladder. The boat speed was stable using an electric engine with fixed speed posistions. To compare the velocities we drove straight for 300s four times at different speeds.

    Compared velocity magnitude since all FTs can’t be oriented perfectly. Vel_magnitude = sqrt ( vel_x^2 + vel_y ^2)

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    in reply to: FlowTracker Calibrations (In-House) #765

    Hey Eoin, we at SMHI have done this in the field as a comparison. All FlowTrackers at the same time, last year 2023. Once back in 2013, I drove all of them in a boat on a lake and compared the velocities. I rigged them up in a ladder.

    Please also try the new forum at https://forum.internationalhydrometrygroup.org/

    if it doesn’t work try http instead of https


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    in reply to: WISKI7 Tiny Icon/buttons issue #748

    Ok I got some answers now.
    We installed a new version of Wiski and during that process the icons got really small. The installation needed some setting and then they reinstalled the version and the problem was gone.

    Kisters probably have some ideas how.

    I can also try to ask the installation tech if they remember.

    in reply to: WISKI7 Tiny Icon/buttons issue #747

    Hi I have not experienced this. I will have a word with our internal Wiski-support and see if they have heard about it or user complains.

    Mike, SMHI, Sweden

    in reply to: Dell User Count #740

    Great work Travis!

    We got about 10-15 dell rugged laptops at SMHI. I guess we use a driver that is ok, since no one has complained yet what I know.

    in reply to: Quality Assurance Testing #732

    Very good! I don’t know how often one should do this.

    • But good to try and have a regular schedule, say every two – three years on each individual instrument.
    • Or if for some reson one suspect a failed instrument due to handling/transportation.

    As I understand our agency get this external reviewer every year and they focus on different things. That year instrument calibration and ways to follow up calibration routines where a focus. I have now better ways to prove how our instruments are performing(distance made good test and a admin tool to follow it and store results).


    in reply to: ADCP-mounted SVR #731

    We got the SVR now and will in a few weeks be able to test it! Looking forward to share results from it together with the ADCP data.

    in reply to: Goals for 2024 #728

    Other good ideas I have from Kevin, in the same WhatsApp group:

    • Surface velocity measurements
    • primarly for discharge but other applications as well
    • How do we reduce duplication of work between various groups
    • Dilution gaugings
    • Enhancement of velocity mapping tools
    in reply to: Goals for 2024 #726

    Word from Kristoffer in WhatsApp:

    • look into building a comparison database for tool/instruments/methods we use to measure discharge.


    Wow I did not know this. Have anyone tested these ADCPs?


    in reply to: USV with jet drive #643

    Not that I know of. I thougth the French RiverDrone was jet driven, Alex Hauet do you know?.. I just remebered we quickly had problems with small stones jamming the jets on the rQpod prototype. There are probably different water jets too, like in my ScubaJET for my stand up paddle board.

    For the propeller motors (the three different ones we at SMHI use) there are electric motors with drive belts (big ArcBoat) and electric motors with props water cooled and water lubricant (rQpod and ArcLite).



    in reply to: USV with jet drive #641

    Hey! In another post I listed these below and I think there might be one or two with jet drive. I remember the fast RiverDrone France.

    The surfbee got one air propeller for side adjustmets at the banks.

    Once I tested a prototype the rQpod with water jets. Problem was that it stopped working when tiny stones entered the jets.


    rQPOD, Xylem SonTek

    Arc Boat Lite, HR Wallingford

    Arc Boat, HR Wallingford


    Riverdrone France

    Q (also Z) boat OceanScience

    Q (also Z) boat 1250 OceanScience


    Apache 4

    in reply to: Quality Assurance Testing #559

    We SMHI (Sweden) do test on an irregular basis also aiming for more regular basis

    • international regattas when there is one (this month we where at a huge one in Lyon, France),
    • national regattas and smaller comparisons
    • Distance made good tests (beam alignment tests) in a lake with smooth bed, 4m deep and 365m long test distances, see my attached powerpoint.


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    Here is an invitation letter. We also got one that is personal and can be produced upon your request!

    Cheers Daniel and Mikael the organizers for 2024 biannual Nordic-International Hydrometry Workshop

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