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Gabe, just make sure the app does not get as smart as Lunella’s Skipster-app! (Even if it would aid the users waiting for long tailed salt waves to finally pass)
PS: 10 points of credibility if you understand this reference!Kristoffer
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik
Senior engineer, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
MSc Geophysics (Physical Oceanography) University of Bergen 2000.
Working as field hydrologist in NVE since 2004.
National lead on technologies, methods and tools for measuring discharge in rivers.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Hi. We store those below in our database. Not all items apply to all instruments. Most values are imported automatically from data files (QrevInt, Sommer TQ) and/or read from our database (station name, for instance, is already in the database, but linked to the discharge measurement page when station number is read from data file)
- Station name, number (id), owner
- Date, start time, end time
- Stage before and after and representative
- Location relative to control section/profile (upstream/downstream/at) + Distance from control section/profile
- Ice condition (at meas. location and contol/profile)
- Instrument and software info (type, version, firmware) for data collection and postprocessing
- Deployment method
- Measured Q and final Q (after adjusting if measurement location is far from gauging station)
- Quality (discharge, stage, total. Total = min(discharge, stage))
- Area, widht, max and mean depth, max and mean velocity, num verticals/transects
In addidion the xml-files are stored as xml in the database so that we can query for even more summary/meta data.
Mads-Peter Dahl (mpda AT has organized long time quality control of time series in Norway. I’ll ask him to reply here (he is on summer holiday until 24 July)
Did it pass the test?
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
I have tried to find a waterproof remote control as well, with no luck. In Norway we have broken two of them due to rain. The good news is that they are “off the shelf” from your local dealer. The bad news is that it takes half a day to program them, and that is if you do it correctly the first time! (I broke the first of them myself. It did not even cross my mind that it could not be waterproof)
On a side note: It is possible to have several setups on them, so that you can use the same remote for the ARC boat or the rQpod. And for the rQpod, it shall be possible to program it so that you have both trottle and turning on the same stick. That would ease one-person operation!
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
2023-07-04 at 08:06 in reply to: What is the standard Q-calculation used operationally in different countries? #377Hi, Ole
In NVE (Norway) we made it mandatory to use Qrev/QrevInt for all ADCP measurements we store in our database.
Is the 3-5 percent difference you see in our measurements the difference between AGILA and the others?
Testing inline images here: It seems to work.
Perhaps it should be an option to allign centered vertically on th line, but that is really NOT a bigg issue.
However, a nicer thing to have would be the option to paste an immage from the clipboard.
Great. I tested the edit-button on your post, Daniel. It looks like I can edit it, but I did nont post the edit. You can try to edit this post to see if you are allowed to.
Looks like I can edit?
Yes, I see your edit!
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Daniel Wennerberg.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Kristoffer Florvaag-Dybvik.
Text size seems ok now. Keep up the good and extremely important and wellcome work!
Bleak is OK. It looks old and un-fancy, and thus serious. Small text is a problem.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by