UAWOS – Unmanned Aerial Water Observing System

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Hydrometric Data UAWOS – Unmanned Aerial Water Observing System

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  • #230

    Hello all,

    Not quite sure in what forum I should post this. Perhaps we should have a sub-forum for current research activities?

    The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological institute together with a large group of companies and the Denmark Technical University recently got a grant from the EU Horizon framework to fund the project “Unmanned Aerial Water Observing system” or UAWOS for short. The project is coordinated by Peter Bauer at DTU.

    There is a homepage up: @

    In short, we are aiming to use a multitude of different existing and newly developed drone-mounted sensors (Water penetrating radar, surface velocity radar, surface velocity laser, altimeter) to map water slope, water velocity, bathymetry, topography etc and create a rating curve with hydraulic modelling. We will then use satellites to measure the stage at the mapped site to calculate discharge. This could be very useful in remote areas where telemetry is hard to keep alive, sites where there is a high risk of losing equipment etc.


    UAWOS Logo


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