Skip drivebelts on ARC-boat

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  • Creator
  • #635

    Hi all ARC-boat users.

    The drive belts in the ARC boat is a pain! Have anyone tried to move the engines and to connect them directly to the propeller shafts? Possibly by using a universal joint / CV joint?

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  • Author
    • #637

        Dear Kristoffer,

        We deployed the ArcBoat since three years now, and we haven´t had any issues with the drive belts up to now.
        Fingers crossed.

        Ole Rössler
        Federal Institute of Hydrology
        Koblenz, Germany
        email: roessler at

      • #638
        Nick EverardNick Everard

          I think the time for a refresh of the large ARCboat has come, to be honest. It is a great boat, but could be improved/updated.

          I have not had too much trouble with the belts, and they are designed to be a point of weakness to protect the motors (never quite understood why a pin in the prop couldn’t do the same mind you) but they do need maintenance.

          Does anybody have experience of the more powerful T500 motors on an ARCboatlite? Not powerful enough for the larger boat I guess.

          I’ll ask Adam at the EA if any plans are in development to review and renew the boat…


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