Introduction to BaRatin (rating curve method)

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Events – Conferences, workshops, training classes Introduction to BaRatin (rating curve method)

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  • #359

      Dear all,

      We are offering an introductory webinar on the Bayesian method BaRatin for the analysis of stage-discharge rating curves and the related uncertainties in streamflow data. Exercises will be proposed using the user-friendly, multilingual and open-source BaRatinAGE software (INRAE):

      Webinar in English: 27 June 2023 (14:00-17:00 CET, UTC+2)

      Zoom link (no registration needed):

      See the detailed announcements attached.

      I plan to release the record afterwards on the GDH Youtube channel.

      This webinar is supported by and contributes to the workplan of WMO’s ProjectX.

      Have a great day.
      Jérôme Le Coz (INRAE, France) and the BaRatin development team (

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