GPS Compass Configuration

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Flow Measurements ADCP GPS Compass Configuration

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  • #428

      Since there has been emails about this topic, namely how to configure a GPS compass and use it with the ADCP, I am attaching a document that was prepared by James Fountain (USGS).  It is quite thorough.  In addition, in the USGS Hydroacoustics Forum there are several discussions about GPS compass.  One thread is here:

      I should point out that Hemisphere no longer sells the V102.  The V200 similar to the V102 in terms of the heading error.


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Avatarkevinaoberg.
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      • #431

        Great. Thanks. NVE will probably buy a vector gps quite soon, but I need to find out what the advantages and disadvantages are. I hope that using vector gps means I will not need to spend half an eternity trying to calibrate the adcp compass any more.

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