Untitled › Forums › International Hydrometry Network › Flow Measurements › ADCP › USV with jet drive › Reply To: USV with jet drive
2024-01-19 at 13:36
Hey! In another post I listed these below and I think there might be one or two with jet drive. I remember the fast RiverDrone France.
The surfbee got one air propeller for side adjustmets at the banks.
Once I tested a prototype the rQpod with water jets. Problem was that it stopped working when tiny stones entered the jets.
rQPOD, Xylem SonTek
Arc Boat Lite, HR Wallingford
Arc Boat, HR Wallingford
Riverdrone France
Q (also Z) boat OceanScience
Q (also Z) boat 1250 OceanScience
Apache 4