Reply To: Discharge measurements meta data in the data base

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Hydrometric Data Discharge measurements meta data in the data base Reply To: Discharge measurements meta data in the data base


Hi. We store those below in our database. Not all items apply to all instruments. Most values are imported automatically from data files (QrevInt, Sommer TQ) and/or read from our database (station name, for instance, is already in the database, but linked to the discharge measurement page when station number is read from data file)

  • Station name, number (id), owner
  • Date, start time, end time
  • Stage before and after and representative
  • Location relative to control section/profile (upstream/downstream/at) + Distance from control section/profile
  • Ice condition (at meas. location and contol/profile)
  • Instrument and software info (type, version, firmware) for data collection and postprocessing
  • Deployment method
  • Measured Q and final Q (after adjusting if measurement location is far from gauging station)
  • Quality (discharge, stage, total. Total = min(discharge, stage))
  • Area, widht, max and mean depth, max and mean velocity, num verticals/transects

In addidion the xml-files are stored as xml in the database so that we can query for even more summary/meta data.