Announcement: New website and forum resource

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Website and forum information and suggestions Announcement: New website and forum resource

  • Creator
  • #690

    Dear all,

    This website and forum was launched as an immediate response to the Yammer forum previously hosted by SEPA being shut down.

    It was hastily implemented in order to salvage and retain as much of the user base of Yammer as possible before it disappeared as we found the network on Yammer to be really useful.

    Due to some time constraints from my part I have not been able to delve very deep into making everything work perfectly and learn WordPress and BBPress (which runs the website and forum respectively).

    I have recently been able to allocate hours to the development of the website and forum and Iris Ljungqvist who works at SMHI as a science communicator will work together with me to give the site and forums a much needed cleanup and facelift.

    Things that are being discussed for the forums is a cleaner look, subscriptions that work as intended, latest topics list etc.

    For the website we hope to add a news section, calendar, forum integration etc.

    You may experience a bit of downtime or bugs while we work with it, and thank you for your patience.


    All the best



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