Manufacturer sections?

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  • #583

    Dear all,

    I was just approached by Daniel Ritter of Xylem/Sontek. He wondered if it was ok to post firmware updates etc to the forums.

    I personally don’t see any issues with this. Do you all think its ok?

    Should I perhaps add manufacturer specific subsections of the forums?

    Something like Forum/Manufacturers/Sontek
    And then continue with TRDI, HR Wallingford, Nivus etc.

    I dont want to draw focus from the general ADCP/ADCP subsections of discharge measurements, but I think firmware updates etc are better handled away from general questions regarding the respective tech.

    What do you think?

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  • Author
    • #584

      I think having manufacturers post is a good thing provided they are not promoting or advertising. However, firmware upgrades and/or new features, instruments, software, etc. would be of interest to everybody.  I don’t have an opinion on whether it needs to be in a separate subsection. If you do a new subsection I don’t know that I would break it down more the Manufacturers. Too many subsections require too many clicks to see the latest from everybody. I would rather just look in Manufacturers to see all manufacturer posts rather than having to click on each company.


      • #592

          FWIW – I agree with Dave and others.  It is more or less what we did when at USGS for the USGS HA forum.

      • #585

        Manufacturers are welcome, and like Dave says (and all probably agree on) no promoting or advertising.

        Except posts this: “TRDI would like to announce that we have released the StreamPro2. It is the size of a pencil and measures from 0-10 meters”. (Announcing new instruments and new software, as long as they manage to stay on the right side of “no advertising”)

        I think that for now, we should not have any more subsections.

        If use of the forums really takes off, we could add subsections later on.

      • #587

          Hi. I agree with Kristoffer and Dave. Manufacturers are welcome with no promoting or advertising. And I also agree on having one subsection dedicated to all the manufacturers.


        • #588

          Cheers for the feedback guys,

          I will add a “Manufacturers” section with no sub-sections.


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