Quality Assurance Testing

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Flow Measurements ADCP Quality Assurance Testing

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  • #556
    AvatarJoanne Comer

      Hi All,

      I just wanted to ask what other organisations are doing with regard to periodic quality assurance testing of ADCPs.

      Do you carry out beam alignment tests in house, or send to a facility to carry out checks?


      Joanne Comer, OPW, Ireland

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      • #557


        In NVE (Norway) we only have regattas where test them against each other on an irregular basis. (Aiming at REGULAR basis, but we don’t manage to do  so)


      • #559

        We SMHI (Sweden) do test on an irregular basis also aiming for more regular basis

        • international regattas when there is one (this month we where at a huge one in Lyon, France),
        • national regattas and smaller comparisons
        • Distance made good tests (beam alignment tests) in a lake with smooth bed, 4m deep and 365m long test distances, see my attached powerpoint.


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      • #591
        AvatarJoanne Comer

          Thanks very much Kristoffer and Mikael for the replies, we currently do small comparison groups once a year, but hoping to up our game.

          Great info there Mikael on the beam alignment tests, we are going to start with that. You mention in slide 2 you do the DMG test after factory service, is your factory service routine or only if there is an issue found?


        • #716
          AvatarJoanne Comer

            Hi Mikael,

            We have now carried out the distance made good test on an RS5, results we got look ok (within the manufacturers limits). You mentioned in your powerpoint having an external reviewer validate your work. Can I ask how you went about getting that review carried out?


          • #732

            Very good! I don’t know how often one should do this.

            • But good to try and have a regular schedule, say every two – three years on each individual instrument.
            • Or if for some reson one suspect a failed instrument due to handling/transportation.

            As I understand our agency get this external reviewer every year and they focus on different things. That year instrument calibration and ways to follow up calibration routines where a focus. I have now better ways to prove how our instruments are performing(distance made good test and a admin tool to follow it and store results).


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