QiQuac app

  • Creator
  • #309

    I’ve been out testing the QiQuac app for android and think its a good way forward to user friendlyness. The app is not perfect but half perfect! Settings of axis and selection and update to the salt portal could work better for me.

    Salt dilution is a very accurate method in cases where ADCPs and ADVs fail.


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  • Author
    • #340

        Thanks for trying out the App Mikael.  Soon this will be the only app you ever use.  It will be a dating app, a flow measurement app, a “Find my… car, spouse, offspring, keys, airpods, dignity, ambition” app.  It will suggest a meal to prepare simply by taking a photo of your fridge, based on estimated expiration dates.  We estimate it will offset 2 tonnes of CO2 annually, per user!  It will plan parties and invite people much better than you based on your instagram web of followers.  It will invite influencers and track where they are in the party and suggest selfies for maximum exposure.  It will tell you if you should paint your house red or yellow (Swedish version).  It will guide your poetic endeavours, or end them, depending on how it’s AI engine feels that day.  It will likely be the last app you ever use, for various reasons.  All this with Fathom’s Guarantee.

        Now that’s a donkey you can take the bank.

        Thanks for setting up this forum!  I’m already finding it therapeutic.

      • #392

        Gabe, just make sure the app does not get as smart as Lunella’s Skipster-app! (Even if it would aid the users waiting for long tailed salt waves to finally pass)
        PS: 10 points of credibility if you understand this reference!



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