Discharge measurements meta data in the data base

Untitled Forums International Hydrometry Network Hydrometric Data Discharge measurements meta data in the data base

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  • #279

    When a discharge measurement is saved at SMHI we log:


    1 start and end Stage(stable, rising, falling) , 2 Discharge, 3 remarks,

    4 field crew, 5 date/time, 6 Quality,

    7 backwater influenced (yes/no),

    8 Type(ADCP, Dilution, wading, surface velocity, bucket, other type

    9 area, 10 mean velocity, 11 width, 12 (any additional flow)


    What other information (or lesser information) is stored with discharge measurements?? We, SMHI, are looking for alternatives to Kisters/Wiski.

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  • Author
    • #384

      Hi. We store those below in our database. Not all items apply to all instruments. Most values are imported automatically from data files (QrevInt, Sommer TQ) and/or read from our database (station name, for instance, is already in the database, but linked to the discharge measurement page when station number is read from data file)

      • Station name, number (id), owner
      • Date, start time, end time
      • Stage before and after and representative
      • Location relative to control section/profile (upstream/downstream/at) + Distance from control section/profile
      • Ice condition (at meas. location and contol/profile)
      • Instrument and software info (type, version, firmware) for data collection and postprocessing
      • Deployment method
      • Measured Q and final Q (after adjusting if measurement location is far from gauging station)
      • Quality (discharge, stage, total. Total = min(discharge, stage))
      • Area, widht, max and mean depth, max and mean velocity, num verticals/transects

      In addidion the xml-files are stored as xml in the database so that we can query for even more summary/meta data.

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